Course descriptions are presented alphabetically by subject or discipline.
The semester hours of credit to be earned for each course is indicated by the number to the right of the course title.
On the basis of application data and Basic Skills Assessment, the College may require students to take certain courses numbered 010-099 in order to better prepare for college-level work.
Courses can be offered only if there is sufficient enrollment and if funds and staff are available. The College reserves the right to cancel courses with insufficient registration and to make necessary changes in the schedule of courses. Some courses may be offered alternate years only.
Elective Choices in Program Requirements
Business Administration: Accounting, business, computer science, economics and office administrative careers
Humanities: Art, communications, English, foreign languages, humanities, music, sign language, philosophy, and theater.
Interdisciplinary Studies
Science: Biology, chemistry, geology, physics, and science
Social Science: Courses from anthropology, economics, education, history, political science, psychology, interdisciplinary, and sociology