Jan 16, 2025  
2017-2018 Catalog 
2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Schedule of Tuition and Fees (Per semester)

Fiscal year 2017-2018

Tuition Fund (General Fund courses)

  1. Full-time Student-per semester: 1  
    a. Connecticut resident 2 $ 1,908.00
    b. Out-of-state resident 2 $ 5,724.00
    c. NEBHE $ 2,862.00
  2. Part-time Student-per semester hour:  
    a. Connecticut resident 2 $ 159.00
    b. Out-of-State resident 2 $ 477.00
    c. NEBHE $ 238.50
  3. Excess Credits Tuition Charge (>17 credits) $ 100.00
  General Fees 3  

College Services Fee (General Fund Courses)

  1. Full-time Student-per semester  
    a. Connecticut resident $ 230.00
    b. Out-of-state resident $ 690.00
    c. NEBHE $ 345.00
  2. Part-time Student-per semester  
    a. Connecticut resident  
      i. One credit $ 79.00
      ii. 2-4 credits $ 5.00-7.00 for each additional credit hour
      iii. 5-11 credits $ 14.00-18.00 for each additional credit hour
    b. Out-of-state resident per semester  
      i. One credit $ 237.00
      ii. 2-4 credits $ 15.00-21.00 for each additional credit hour
      iii. 5-11 credits $ 42.00-54.00 for each additional credit hour
    c. NEBHE-per semester  
      i. One credit $ 118.50
      ii. 2-4 credits $ 7.50-10.50 for each additional credit hour
      iii. 5-11 credits $ 22.50-27.00 for each additional credit hour

Mandatory Usage Fees

  Advanced Manufacturing Fee - per semeter $ 475.00                                                                       
  Material Fee -  per applicable class $  50.00
  Supplemental Course Fee - per applicable class  
    1. Level I $ 100.00
    2. Level II $ 200.00
    3. Level III $ 300.00
  Clinical Program Fee - per semester                                                                                    
    1. Level I $ 475.00
    2. Level II $ 350.00
  Student Activity Fee 4  
    1. Full-time Student - per semester $  15.00
    2. Part-time Student - per semester $  10.00

Educational Extension Fees

  1. Credit Courses-per semester hour  
    Regular academic year                                                                                      $ 172.00
    Summer Session     $ 172.00
  2. Non-credit Courses  
  Rate set up on a per course basis dependent upon course offered

Special Fees

  1. Application Fee 5  
      Full-time Student $  20.00
    Part-time Student $  20.00
  2. Program Enrollment Fee 6                                                                                                        $  20.00
  3. Late Registration Fee      $    5.00
  4. Academic Evaluation Fee $  15.00
  5. Portfolio Assessment Fee $ 100.00
  6. Returned Check Fee $  25.00
  7. Late Payment Fee $  15.00
  8. Installment Plan Fee $  25.00
  9. Replacement of Lost ID Card $  10.00
  10. Proctoring Fee - CCC Students $  15.00
  11. Proctoring Fee - Non CCC Students $  35.00

Tuition Footnotes

1 Students enrolled in general/tuition courses and/or extension courses carrying 12 semester hours or more in total will be classified as full-time students for general fee purposes.
2 Waivers

  1. Complete waiver of tuition for a dependent child of a person missing in action or former prisoner of war.
  2. The Connecticut Tuition Waiver is available for veterans who served on active duty for at least 90 days in the U.S. Armed Forces during the time of war and were released from active duty under honorable conditions. The periods of conflict are: the Vietnam Era (12-22-61 to 7-1-75), the Korean Hostilities (6-27-50 to 1-31-55), Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm (8-2-90 to 6-30-94), World War II. The 100% tuition waiver is available for veterans if they are residents of Connecticut when accepted for admission. (Any child of a Vietnam-era veteran who has been declared a MIA/POW also is eligible, provided the parent entered the service after 1/1/60.)
  3. The tuition fees of veterans of armed forces who served in either combat or combat support role in the invasions or peace keeping missions listed below shall be waived. To be eligible for such waiver, a veteran must be a resident of Connecticut for at least one year at the time he/she is accepted for admission, and be honorably discharged, or released under honorable conditions, from active service in the armed forces. “Combat or combat support role” means assigned to the theater of operations during the invasion or peace keeping mission. The dates of service shall be defined as: Grenada (10-25-83 to 12-15-83), Lebanon (9-29-82 to 3-30-84), Operations Earnest Will (escort of Kuwaiti oil tankers-2-1-87 to 7-23-87), Panama (12-20-89 to 1-31-90), Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm (8-2-90 to 6-30-94).
  4. The tuition fees of veterans who served on active duty in South Korea after 2-1-55, Somalia after 12-2-92, and Bosnia after 12-20-95 shall be waived.
  5. Tuition, general fees and the application fee are completely waived for those persons 62 years of age or older provided, at the end of regular registration, there is space available in the course. Special fees other than the application fee must still be paid.
  6. Tuition may be waived or remitted by the president, or his/her designated appointee, for any in-state student who demonstrates substantial financial need and who is enrolled on a full-time or part-time basis in a degree or certificate program or a pre-college remedial program.
  7. The tuition fees of any eligible member of the Connecticut Army or Air National Guard shall be waived. To be eligible for such waiver, a member of the Connecticut Army or Air National Guard must (1) be a resident of Connecticut, (2) present certification by the Adjutant General or his designee as a member in good standing of the Guard, and (3) be enrolled or accepted for admission to a community college on a full-time or part-time basis in a degree granting program. The tuition waiver shall be reduced by the amount of any educational reimbursement received from an employer.
  8. The Community College presidents are authorized to waive the student activity fee only for students enrolled in courses offered at off-campus locations.
  9. Tuition is waived for any dependent child of a police officer, as defined in section 7-294a of the general statutes or a supernumerary or auxiliary police officer or firefighter as defined in section 7-323j, or member of a volunteer fire company, killed in the line of duty.
  10. Tuition is waived for any Connecticut resident who is a dependent child or surviving spouse of a specified terrorist victim, as defined in section 1 of Public Act No. 02-126, who was a resident of Connecticut.

(Footnotes “a” through “j” per General Statutes of Connecticut - Chapter 185b, Sec. 10a-77.)
3 General Fees are applicable to students enrolling for all credit courses.
4 For Summer Session students this fee is optional; collection is determined by president.
5 Not applicable for the following: (a) CONNTAC applicants, (b) Upward Bound applicants and (c) Needy and deprived students as determined by the College.
6 Not applicable if student paid the $20.00 application fee.

Non-Refundable Fee Deposit

Full-time and part-time students must pay at the time of registration all refundable and non-refundable General Fees pertaining to the courses for which registered, exclusive of tuition.

The total tuition applicable to the courses for which registered is payable in one installment and is due by the payment date specified by the College which shall be not earlier than six weeks nor later than three weeks before the first day of classes unless a deferred payment schedule, in accordance with approved Board of Regents policy, has been approved.

Fees are Subject to Change

College presidents, with the approval of the chancellor, are authorized to waive general and special fees of students enrolled in special programs when circumstances justify such action.

Other College Expenses

In addition to tuition and fees, there are other expenses which can vary widely from student to student. For instance, there are items such as meals away from home, transportation, books and supplies, and personal expenses. It is estimated that books for a full-time student cost approximately $650 per semester.


Students desiring to purchase student accident insurance should consult the College’s Business Office.

Refund Policy

Tuition Fund-Regular Semesters

I. Registration and Fee Deposit

  1. Full-time and part-time students must pay a non-refundable deposit of all applicable College services and student activities fees pertaining to the courses for which registered, exclusive of tuition and mandatory usage fees, at the time of registration.
  2. The total tuition and mandatory usage fees applicable to the courses for which registered are payable in one installment and are due by the payment dates specified by the College unless a deferred payment schedule, in accordance with approved Board of Regents policy, has been approved.
  3. All registrations which occur after the payment dates specified by the College shall be accompanied by full payment of all tuition and mandatory usage fees applicable to the courses for which registered unless a deferred payment schedule* has been approved.
  4. Failure to have made all applicable payments may result in the withdrawal of the student’s registration unless a deferred payment schedule* has been approved.
  5. Students presenting bad checks must replace them with cash, money order, or bank check within seven days (one week) of the College’s receipt of such notification; otherwise the student’s registration shall be immediately withdrawn.

* In accordance with approved Board of Regents policy.

Installment Plan Policy

An installment plan option will be available to qualified students enrolled in tuition fund credit or developmental courses during the fall and spring semesters. The installment plan fee must be paid upon entering into the installment payment agreement. This fee is non-refundable.

A student wishing to utilize the installment payment plan must make arrangements with the College business office. The Business Office will complete the Tuition Installment Payment Agreement, which will be signed by the student or legal guardian and a College official. Payment must be made in no more than three installments, and all payments must be completed by the mid-point of the semester. If payments are not made timely, the student may be withdrawn from classes. The student will continue to be liable for the amount due and will not be allowed to return to class until their account is paid in full. No student who has past due charges at the College may enter into an installment agreement. Once signing the agreement, the student is responsible to pay, in full, for any additional courses registered for the semester.

The College Cashier’s Office will establish accounts receivable for all students using the installment plan. Unpaid amounts will be referred for collection in accordance with existing procedures. The College reserves the right to deny a student use of the payment plan if there is continued pattern of late payments and/or the College has had to send the student’s account to a collection agency for payment. In such cases, the dean of academic affairs and student services will make the final decision.

II. Cross Registration Connecticut Community Colleges

Tuition and fees for students who register for general fund/tuition account courses at multiple colleges within the community college system shall be charged as follows:

  1. Full-time students - students who have paid the tuition and college service fees of a full-time student at their “home” institution shall be exempt from further similar charges. Copies of the student tuition and fee receipt from the “home” institution should be accepted by the “host” institution in lieu of payment. Mandatory usage fees are not exempt under this provision.
  2. Part-time students - The charges for students who have paid the tuition and fees of a part-time student at their “home” institution and register for additional courses at a “host” institution shall not exceed the amount charged for a full-time student, if the student’s combined registration at the “home” and “host” institutions would classify them as a full-time student. Copies of the student tuition and fee receipt from the “home” institution should be accepted by the “host” institution and the “host” institution should charge the difference between the full-time charges for tuition and fees and the amount paid to the “home” institution as indicated on the “home” institution receipt. The “host” institution must notify the “home” institution of the multiple college registration. Any changes in student status which warrant a refund of tuition and fees will be based on the combined registration at the “home” and “host” institutions. Students who register at multiple colleges whose combined student status is less than full-time shall be charged as a part-time student for the semester credits registered at each of the respective colleges. Student is responsible for all mandatory fees.

Guidelines for Exchange of Students among Institutions of Public Higher Education

The Board of Regents approves the following guidelines for exchange of students among institutions in the state system of higher education, which will provide an opportunity for students enrolled in a community college, state university, or the University of Connecticut to benefit significantly by taking a course or courses not available where they are registered but offered at another state institution.

  1. Preliminary, informal inquiry should first establish that there is a substantial degree of interest on the part of one or more qualified students enrolled at the home institution in a particular course offered by the host but not by the home institution.
  2. The host institution, after making accommodation for its own students, will determine the number of vacant student places in the course that could be filled without exceeding the acceptable limit on class size.
  3. The home institution will recommend not more than this number of its students to the host institution, which will examine these students’ qualifications for taking the course in question.
  4. Students admitted to a course or courses will register under the procedure for unclassified students in the host institution, which will issue a transcript record of credit earned after the successful completion of the course.
  5. The home institution will accept this credit in transfer under its own procedures, making it a part of the student’s record at his or her home institution.
  6. Students who have paid the tuition and fees of full-time students at their home institutions shall be exempt from further charges. Copies of their receipted fee bills should be accepted by the host institution in lieu of payment. Mandatory usage fees are not exempt under this provision.
  7. Part-time students shall not be exempt, but shall pay the tuition and fees required of unclassified students who take the same course at the host institution.

III. Withdrawals and Refunds-General

  1. A registered student wishing to withdraw must submit a withdrawal request, in writing, to the individual(s) designated by the college president. The effective date of withdrawal is the date the withdrawal is received by the designated official(s). Students may also withdraw online at www.my.commnet.edu
  2. For Notice of Withdrawal received prior to the first day of college classes for that semester, a refund of 100 percent of total tuition and mandatory usage fees will be granted for both full-time and part-time students.
  3. For Notice of Withdrawal received on the first day of classes and through the fourteenth calendar day of that semester, a refund of 50 percent of total tuition and mandatory usage fees applicable to the courses for which registered will be granted for both full-time and part-time students.
  4. For a reduction in load which occurs on the first day of classes and through the fourteenth calendar day of that semester, 50 percent of the difference of the tuition and mandatory usage fees applicable to the original and revised course schedule will be refunded.
  5. No refund of tuition and mandatory usage fees will be granted for either full-time or part-time students beyond the fourteenth calendar day after the first day of classes.

IV. Withdrawals and Refunds-Specific

  1. One hundred (100) percent refund of tuition and fees will be granted students entering the Armed Services before earning degree credit in any semester, upon submitting notice in writing of withdrawal accompanied by a certified copy of enlistment papers.
  2. Veterans or other eligible persons (war orphans, children of disabled veterans, etc.)
    1. Those covered by sub-section (d) of section 10a- 77 of the General Statutes (Vietnam Era veterans and dependent children of certain veterans) pay no tuition; only their fees will be refunded as that of all other students.
    2. Veterans or other eligible persons (war orphans, children of disabled veterans, etc.) studying at an accredited college will be granted a refund in the same manner as any other student.
    3. Accredited colleges are defined as those colleges which have received full accreditation by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.

V. General Conditions

  1. The special fees which are non-refundable are as follows:
    1. Application fee
    2. Program enrollment fee
    3. Late registration fee
    4. Academic evaluation fee
    5. Installment plan fee
    6. Portfolio assessment fee
    7. Replacement of lost ID fee
  2. For purposes of the refund policy outlined above, an individual is considered a student when he/she has registered and paid in part or full, either by cash or by obligation, by the first day of class.
  3. All colleges will insert in their catalogues or brochures the same information concerning tuition and refund as herein outlined.
  4. Upon written request submitted by a college president, the Board of Regents may modify the tuition refund policy for the student(s) named in the request, due to extenuating or extraordinary circumstances.

Educational Extension Fund Regular, Winter and Summer Session Credit Courses

  1. All Educational Extension Fund Fees and related fees appropriate to the Extension Fund Courses for which a student registers must be paid at the time of registration.
  2. A student who withdraws before the first class meeting of the course(s) is entitled to a full refund of all Educational Extension Fund fees. A request for withdrawal must be received by the president or his/her designee no later than the end of the last regular college business day before the first class meeting of the course(s).
  3. A student reducing his/her Extension Fund course load will be entitled to a full refund of Educational Extension Fees appropriate to the course(s) dropped provided the request for refund is received by the president or his/her designee no later than the end of the last regular business day before the first class meeting of the course.
  4. No refund will be made after the first class meeting of the course; however, in case of serious illness or other extraordinary circumstances, and at the discretion of the college president or his/her designee, a full refund may be given.
  5. If a class is canceled, the College will provide the student with a full refund of Extension Fund Course fees and related fees.