Feb 10, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog


Quinebaug Valley Community College maintains an open admissions policy, extending the opportunity for higher education to all who want to prepare more fully for effective participation in modern society. Students must be graduates of an approved secondary school, hold a state high school equivalency diploma (GED), or be certified as home-school completion. Prospective students who are still in high school must meet specific placement scores prior to acceptance.

Application Procedures

Students interested in attending Quinebaug Valley Community College are encouraged to complete the online application process as early as possible before the beginning of their intended semester and prior to registration.

Required Documents: Immunization records are required prior to acceptance. Current high school students, consider requesting a copy from your school nurse to be uploaded to your application account.

Applicants who have already graduated from high school must submit official transcripts from their high school or provide a copy of their high school diploma. Applicants who obtained a high school equivalency certificate (GED) should submit a copy of their scores, if available. Current high school students are required to submit an “In-Progress” high school transcript. A final transcript or copy of your diploma must be submitted after graduation. All high school documents should be uploaded to your application account.

New England Regional Student Program

For Residents of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont

Through the Regional Student Program (RSP), QVCC allows out-of-state students who qualify by either Rule 1 or Rule 2 to enroll at a discount. Students under this program pay in-state tuition plus 50 percent.

*Massachusetts and Rhode Island residents: Students from Massachusetts and Rhode Island now qualify for in-state tuition rates.

Rule 1: The Uniqueness Rule

When a program of study is not offered at an in-state institution, a qualified student may apply for enrollment at any participating out-of-state institution offering that program of study under the Regional Student Program.

Rule 2: The Proximity Rule

When a program of study is offered under the Regional Student Program at both an in-state and out-of-state institution, and the out-of-state institution is closer in traveling time to a qualified student’s legal residence, that student may apply for enrollment at that out-of-state institution.

Additional information about the Regional Student Program may be obtained from the Admissions Office at QVCC or from the New England Board of Higher Education, 45 Temple Place, Boston, MA 02111, (617) 357-9620.

International Student Admission

If you are an international student studying on an F-1 visa, QVCC currently does not allow you to enroll in courses without permission from your sponsoring college or university. In addition, you must be registered at least half time at the sponsoring school. International students on a visa other than an F-1 may enroll in classes at QVCC, but should consult with the Associate Director of Admissions to verify student eligibility and enrollment status. All international students on non-immigrant visas, and non-permanent residents, will be charged out-of-state tuition and fees and are not eligible for federal or state financial aid.

Requirements for F-1 International Students

·       Copy of Visa

·       Copy of current schedule from sponsoring college or university

·       Social Security Election form

All international students must have their classes reported through the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS). QVCC is not a SEVIS school so it is required that your sponsoring school complete this task. These are requirements of the Department of Homeland Security.


Senior Citizens

Senior Citizens 62 years of age or older who are Connecticut residents may be eligible to register without paying application, general fees or tuition charges for courses supported by the General Fund. Studio or lab fees are assessed where applicable. This applies to all courses on a space available basis and is subject to approval by the Board of Regents. Seniors can register on a space available basis the day before the semester begins.

High School Partnership Program

Quinebaug Valley Community College has signed agreements with many area high schools which permit eligible high school juniors and seniors to enroll in general fund supported credit courses at QVCC. The College pays the tuition and waives all fees for students enrolled in the program. Students are responsible for the cost of books and supplies for the classes they take. To be eligible for the program, students must have a minimum cumulative scholastic average of 80 and be recommended by their high school guidance counselor, principal, or designated representative. Students are accepted on a first come first served basis until slots are filled. Please Note: There is a unique Dual Enrollment application that must be completed.  Do not complete the general college application on our website. Additional information is available through admissions.  Contact Sarah Hendrick, Associate Director of Admissions for more information.

Running Start

This program is designed to allow a senior in high school to finish their school graduation requirements through enrollment in college courses at QVCC.  Students typically enroll at QVCC as full time students in both the Fall and Spring semesters. This way students can get a jump start with their college career while simultaneously completing high school requirements. However, students can participate in Running Start on a part-time basis as well. Students must have a minimum cumulative scholastic average of 80 or “B-” overall and be recommended by their school counselor to participate. Students can complete up to 30 credits or one year of college and this program is open to traditional high school students and home schooled students.

Please Note: There is a unique Dual Enrollment application for this program. Do not complete the general collage application on our website. Contact Sarah Hendrick, Associate Director of Admissions for more information.

Early Admission of High School Students

High school students who demonstrate sufficient academic ability and maturity may be considered for enrollment in credit courses on a self-paying basis. In addition to completing the application for admission, students may need to submit an official transcript and letter of recommendation from their guidance counselor, principal or designated representative. Students are required to satisfy all prerequisites, take the Accuplacer assessment, and meet specific placement scores for acceptance. After acceptance students meet with Admissions or a member of our advisement staff to determine course placement and registration.  Contact Sarah Hendrick, Associate Director of Admissions, for more information.

College Career Pathways/Fast Track to College

The College Career Pathways/Fast Track to College program enables students to earn college credits and explore career options while still in high school. Teachers of CCP classes are certified as college instructors. These classes have the same requirements and rigor of the class taught on the college campus. Contact the program coordinator, Elkin Espitia-Loaiza, or high school guidance counselors for more information. Please Note: There is a unique Dual Enrollment application for this program.  Do not complete the general college application on our website.

Credit by Transfer

A student seeking transfer credit should be enrolled in a degree or certificate program. Ordinarily, only credits applicable to the student’s program at QVCC will be evaluated. Students requesting transfer credit must request official transcripts, with any change of student’s name noted, from each institution attended. Students requesting transfer credit must also fill out the “Transfer Credit Evaluation Request” form during the online application process, found on our website www.qvcc.edu/forms, and available from the Student Success Center. Transcripts should be sent directly to the Office of Admissions at QVCC. A transfer student who changes programs while at QVCC or seeks a second degree from the college may request a reassessment of potentially transferable credit. At least 25 percent of the minimum credit requirements for the degree must be through coursework at Quinebaug Valley Community College.

Requests for evaluation of transfer credits should be made to the Student Success Center.

  1. Credit from Other Collegiate Institutions
    1. Degree credit shall be granted for credit courses from regionally accredited collegiate institutions. Regional accreditation includes Middle States, New England, Northwest, Southern, Western, and Higher Learning Commission.
    2. Proficiency exams, including CLEP, DSST, and AP exams can also be transferred for credit.
    3. Degree credit shall be granted for credit courses completed with a passing letter grade of “C-” or better. Such credit courses shall be accepted only for credit, and letter grades assigned by other institutions shall not be recorded or included in computation of student grade point averages. Degree credit will also be granted for courses with a grade of Pass (P).
  2. Military Credit
    Veterans also may attain credit for military training, education, and M.O.S. qualifications as recommended in the American Council on Education Guide to Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services.
  3. See College Policies for additional information.


Connecticut state law requires that all full-time (degree seeking and non-degree/non-matriculating) and part-time matriculating students enrolled in post-secondary schools and born after December 31, 1956, be protected against measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella.

Measles, Mumps and Rubella: Students must have two doses of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine at least 28 days apart with dose number one given on or after the first birthday to ensure adequate immunization.

Varicella (Chicken Pox): All students born January 1, 1980, and after must show evidence of immunization for varicella. Students must show two doses of the vaccine administered at least one month apart to ensure adequate immunization.

Students may present serologic (blood test) evidence in place of vaccinations to verify immunity, or a physician’s or municipal health director’s certification of the date that the student was diagnosed with the disease.


Medical: If a medical reason prohibits you from being vaccinated, Option 3 of the immunization form must be signed. The form must be returned to Admissions along with documentation or an explanatory note from the attending physician.

In the event of an outbreak of measles, mumps, rubella or varicella on this campus, students who are not in compliance with the immunization requirements will be excluded from classes until their immunizations are complete.

Course Placement Assessment

The following items can be used to determine appropriate English and Math placement. Students, with their advisors, use this information to make decisions about the kinds of courses students are prepared to take.

QVCC requires that the following students take the Accuplacer assessment:

  1. All new students enrolled in a degree or certificate program.
  2. Any student transferring to QVCC who has not successfully completed both an English composition and college level mathematics courses at another college.
  3. Any QVCC student who has not taken the Accuplacer and has accumulated 6 or more credits.
  4. Any student registering for a course with a mathematics or English prerequisite.
  5. Any prospective student who does not have a high school diploma, GED, or home school completion.

The following students are not required to take the Accuplacer assessment:

  1. Students who have completed an associate’s, bachelor’s or higher college degree.
  2. Non-degree students seeking to enroll in an occasional course for personal enrichment, not to exceed a total of six (6) credits or have Accuplacer prerequisites.
  3. Students seeking to enroll only in English as a Second Language courses.
  4. Students who present evidence of an SAT (after March 2016) evidence based reading and writing score of 480 or higher, and/or a writing and language score of 26 or higher, and/or reading score of 25 or higher or an SAT (before March 2016) critical reading or writing score of 450 or higher or 21 or higher on ACT English or 47 or higher on ACT English and reading.
  5. Students who present evidence of an SAT mathematics (after March 2016) score of 530 or higher, or an SAT mathematics (before March 2016) score of 500 or higher or 18-21 or higher on ACT math test. Assessment for placement in higher level mathematics may require testing.
  6. Students who provide documentation of an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher can enroll in ENG 101: College Composition, or any class requiring placement at the ENG 101 level. In addition, students with a documented 3.1 GPA or higher can enroll in MAT 137: Intermediate Algebra without taking the Accuplacer assessment as long as they have completed two years of high school algebra.

The results of the Accuplacer may be used at other Connecticut Community Colleges if the student decides to transfer. Students who have taken the Accuplacer assessment at any of the Connecticut Community Colleges may use the results at QVCC. For further information, contact the Student Success Center.